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Just Our Nature Posts

Got Gas?

By Paul J. Hetzler on
Blog: Just Our Nature
Some foods give you gas, but this is the time of year when gas gives you a really delicious food. Maple syrup, which is nutritious enough to be listed by the USDA as a food (I say it deserves its own Food Group designation), is gas-powered. Carbon dioxide-powered, to be specific. If it wasn’t for a bunch of little gas bubbles in the xylem tissue, maple sap would not flow. Who knew that wood was…

Birds and Bees

By Paul J. Hetzler on
Blog: Just Our Nature
Being a dad taught me that you can only put off addressing delicate but important topics for so long. Eventually you have to step up to the plate, face the music and take the metaphor by the horns. That said, it’s time we had the talk. You know, THAT talk. About the birds and the bees. Known for their resilience, and in many cases their astonishing physical endurance, birds and bees are also…

DIY Valentine's Day Bird Feeders

Birds on a branch
By Amanda Brooks on
Blog: Just Our Nature
Show some love to your local songbirds this Valentine's Day (or any time of the year) and make your own heart-shaped bird feeder! You can use any type of birdseed to attract different species. Cardinals tend to prefer black oil sunflower seeds, chickadees like sunflower and safflower, sparrows will flock to millet, or use a mix like we did in the video below to attract a whole range of birds.  …

Road Salt's Distasteful Effect

By Molly McMasters on
Blog: Just Our Nature
As anyone who lives in the North Country knows, winter can be tough on drivers. Slick black ice and quicksand-esque snow are a danger to everyone on the road, and should be taken seriously. Aside from plowing and driving with care, the use of calcium chloride, better known as road salt, leads the charge in combatting dangerous road conditions. Keeping the roads safe, however, comes at a cost.  …

Water Wellness

By Paul J. Hetzler on
Blog: Just Our Nature
If you don’t plan to send your water to college, why bother having it tested? Academic testing is in fact akin to water testing in the sense that they both can involve many diverse “subjects,” and that a passing grade in one department does not apply to other domains. Everyone knows that taking an algebra exam won’t determine your grade in anthropology, history or theatre class. But it isn’t as…

2017 Nature Up North Calendars

By Jacob Malcomb on
Blog: Just Our Nature
We are pleased to announce that 2017 Nature Up North calendars are on sale. Our calendars feature some of our favorite photos that local folks have shared as Encounters on natureupnorth.org in the past year. They also feature Nature Notes highlighting interesting wildlife behavior to look out for each month.  They make a great holiday gift! Proceeds from our calendar sales benefit Nature Up North…

Star Photography

By nick zachara on
Blog: Just Our Nature
For the past year I’ve been experimenting with night sky photography.  I'm originally from suburban New Jersey, which is incredibly unfavorable for star photography -- you can hardly see the stars due to light pollution. But the clarity and perfection of the night sky around Canton, and near my family's camp in North Creek, inspired me to try capturing it on camera. In October 2015, at our house…

Don't Get Ticked This Fall

By Paul J. Hetzler on
Blog: Just Our Nature
Even though I was born and raised in New York State, I never cease to be awestruck by the beauty of our changing seasons, and cannot imagine living in a place where the years pass with scant visible change in the environment. Yet there is one season I cannot abide, and it has arrived with a vengeance: hunting season. Mind you, I have no problem with safety-trained folks traipsing through the…

Winter Is Coming: A Tale of Three North Country Species

A loon takes off on Lake Ozonia. Loons require large bodies of open water to take flight.  Photo: Joseph Woody
By Lizz Muller on
Blog: Just Our Nature
Come fall, we all start to prepare for winter in our own ways. We unearth the sweaters that have been accumulating dust since spring, and pull out our wool hats and mittens.  Some of us chop wood and stack it next to the door, or restock the storm candles in the drawer by the stove. We can food, stocking pantry shelves with jars of red tomatoe sauce, purple sauerkraut, green dilly beans. There is…

The Great Blackbird Migration

By Paul J. Hetzler on
Blog: Just Our Nature
Migrating birds of all stripes—and wing patches, tail bands, and other markings—are impressive. My hat is off (figuratively only, of course) to all the songbirds, raptors, and waterfowl that fly from their Northern breeding grounds to warmer climes, in some cases thousands of miles, without benefit of Google Maps or a travel agent. Hummingbirds weighing about the same as a handful of paper clips…