Cardinal Pair in Winter. Photo: Flickr Creative Commons
DIY Valentine's Day Bird Feeders
Show some love to your local songbirds this Valentine's Day (or any time of the year) and make your own heart-shaped bird feeder! You can use any type of birdseed to attract different species. Cardinals tend to prefer black oil sunflower seeds, chickadees like sunflower and safflower, sparrows will flock to millet, or use a mix like we did in the video below to attract a whole range of birds.
Want to make one of these heart-shaped bird feeders for your yard this Valentine's Day? Follow the instructions below:
3 cups birdseed
2 - 1/4 ounce packets unflavored glycerin
Cookie cutter (we used a heart but this project can work with any shape for any holiday!)
Aluminum foil
Non-stick cooking spray
Plastic straw
This will make approximately 3 bird feeders if using a 5-inch cookie cutter.
1) Fill a bowl with 1/2 cup cold water and sprinkle the two gelatin packets on top and stir. Let sit until gelatin is absorbed.
2) Heat 1 3/4 cups water on the stovetop (don't boil) and pour into the gelatin mixture. Stir.
3) Stir 3 cups of birdseed into the mixture. Let cool until gelatin envelopes all of the birdseed.
4) Place cookie cutter on top of a sheet of aluminum foil. Fold up the edges of the aluminum foil snug against the cookie cutter. Spray the inside of the cookie cutter with non-stick cooking spray.
5) Pack birdseed and gelatin mixture into the cookie cutter. Insert a small section of straw to leave a hole to string the feeder up.
6) Put feeder into freezer to speed up the process, about one hour.
7) Remove from freezer, string twine through hole and tie.
8) Hang up your feeder on a tree branch in your front yard and wait for the birds to enjoy the tasty treat!
Did you make your own? Take some photos and share them with us as an Encounter!