What's Your Nature?

Become a Nature Up North explorer to share your encounters with wild things and wild places in New York's North Country. Post your wildlife sightings, landscape shots, photos from your outings, and even your organization's events!

Foxy Friday continued!

I have been watching for foxes and hoping to have them return to our property after not seeing any for about a year. I was so happy to see this vixen, part of a pair that were exploring the gardens around our pool looking for voles and chipmunks. 

Foxy Friday!

I have been watching for foxes since seeing their tracks in the snow on my morning walks. I was so happy to see this pair in our garden from the kitchen window. 

Foxy Friday!

I have been seeing fox tracks around the property when there has been snow and hopping to catch a glimpse since I had not seen one in a while and the last one I saw was suffering from mange. I was so happy when I looked out the window to catch not only one, but two foxes out in the garden around our pool. This photo is what I believe to be the male. Taken from my kitchen window. 

Food Webs and Tapestries - Connecting the Dots

Back in primary school in the ‘70s, we learned about nature’s “food chain.” In this linear model, which I assume was devised by surveyors who normally lay out rail lines and utility corridors, a tiny creature, let’s say a minnow, gets eaten by a bigger fish, and so on until the biggest fish of all eventually dies and its rotting carcass is maybe nibbled on by vengeful small fish.

Afternoon sun at Indian Creek Nature Center

Took a walk at Indian Creek Nature Center out to the lean-to there that is dedicated to John Green. John was a professor in the Biology Department and also one of the folks who first established Indian Creek Nature Center for the public. He was also a good friend. 

Solstice sunset walk in the forest

Took a walk in the woods as the sun was beginning to set on the shortest day of the year.

Early Season Skiing

Skiing Whitaface with the peak in the clouds. As you ski down the cloud cover ended just above Little Whiteface giving way to some great views into the valley.

Our First Hike of the Year! A Hike to Lampson Falls

Event date and time
January 7, 2024 - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event description


Critters in the snow

Though it is warming up into the 40's today, it was fun to see these tracks in the snow. I like the reminder that these critters are out and about even in the cold weather.

8th Annual Earth Day 7k Trail Run/Walk

Event date and time
April 21, 2024 - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event description

Welcome back for another awesome trail race!

Nature Up North is excited to invite you to join us for the 8th Annual Earth Day 7K Trail Run/Walk on Sunday, April 21st, 2024, at 9:00 am. One of the few annual trail races in the North Country, proceeds from this race benefit local conservation and environmental education initiatives.