What's Your Nature?

Become a Nature Up North explorer to share your encounters with wild things and wild places in New York's North Country. Post your wildlife sightings, landscape shots, photos from your outings, and even your organization's events!

Zooniverse Platform

Zooniverse landing page

Help us identify the animals in our camera trap images

A single camera trap placed out for 3 weeks can collect more than 1000 images. Multiply that by the number of cameras we deploy (typically about 24 at a time) and the total number of images adds up quickly!  We use a community science platform called the Zooniverse so that community members can help us to identify all of the animals in these thousands of pictures.

Getting help from the community to identify the animals in these images improves our project in several ways:

  1. Your help greatly speeds up the data processing step and lets us move on to data analysis much sooner.
  2. Having many individuals view each image and identify any animals in the images improves the accuracy of animal identification, particularly in images that are tricky.
  3. Improves our ability to share the process of science with our neighbors.

We upload images to the Zooniverse platform in pulses, generally in the fall and early winter.

To volunteer, follow these steps:

  1. Create a free account on the zooniverse platform
  2. Visit our zooniverse project page
  3. Step through the short tutorial on the project page and begin classifying images!

View Results

Follow this link to view an interactive data visualization of our most recent results, powered by volunteers!


Thank you for volunteering!